On February 23, 2021, Quetico Provincial Park was officially designated as an International Dark Sky Park by the International Dark Sky Association!
The opportunity to look up into a beautiful starry sky has forever been a part of the Quetico Provincial Park camping experience.
Imagine yourself lying on your back gazing up into a wide-open sky filled with a million points of distant light (like the sky captured above by David Jackson!). You take a deep breath of clean air and stare upwards in wonder.
A natural night sky, free of light pollution, is also important part of maintaining Quetico’s ecological integrity. Many plants and animals rely on the natural rhythms of light and dark, for feeding, migration, breeding, and predator avoidance. Part of having a healthy environment includes the health of our skies at night.
Quetico is the third park in the Ontario Parks system that has received special night sky certification. Lake Superior and Killarney provincial parks were designated as Dark Sky Preserves by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in 2018.