2019 Fall Quetico Foundation Dinner
This very popular dinner will be held at the University Club of Toronto. An exciting speaker has been booked. Adam Shoalts, author and explore-in-residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society is our speaker on Wednesday October 30th.
The Trustees are eager for you to SAVE the evening of Wed. October 30th in your calendar.
To reserve a seat at the 2019 Fall Quetico Dinner on Oct 30th email: margaret.casey@sympatico.ca
Adam Shoalts, Explorer-in-Residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and #1 national best-selling author of Alone Against the North, will join us to tell us about his brand new book, Beyond the Trees: A Journey Alone Across Canada’s Arctic, which tells the story of his solo canoe journey across nearly 4,000 km of arctic wilderness. Shoalts will also share pictures from his adventures at the dinner and his new book will be available for purchase and signing.
A picture is always better than words so Adam’s publicist has provided me with this photo of him.
I just tried to check in with Adam, but his email account replied with “I’m in the wilderness at the moment with no access to email or phone until I return in the first week of September”. We hope he is safe and enjoying his time exploring an uncharted river in the far north!
Check out this interview of Adam by David McGuffin. Even listening to the first few minutes of this interview will leave you committed to attending the 2019 Fall Quetico Foundation Dinner.