The Quetico Foundation is dedicated to the protection of wilderness with a particular focus on Quetico Wilderness Provincial Park since 1954. The Quetico Foundation primarily has two focuses; conducting ecological research and supporting academic studies to help protect the wilderness of Quetico Provincial Park, and helping students and young leaders connect to the beauty of Quetico’s wilderness, lakes and rivers through the joys, merits and benefits of wilderness canoe trips.
Please donate today to help the Quetico Foundation support protecting wilderness, connecting young leaders and students to Quetico via wilderness canoe excursions and wilderness research.
The Quetico Foundation also:
- Awards post-secondary bursaries through our Shan Walshe Memorial Bursary
- Employs biology interns and students interested in biology research, gaining cultural knowledge, wilderness backcountry experience and leadership development through our Student Summer Research Programs, Biology Internships and Ridley Wilderness Youth Program and more
- enables a wide collection of reports based on this research
- Works closely with Quetico Provincial Park and community partners to further enable and provide research and connecting young people to Quetico Provincial Park
- Helps provide access to Quetico Provincial Park for artists
- Proudly offers the Lee Woods Memorial Award annually to Project Canoe for two students to participate in canoe trips on in their Wilderness Canoe Program. Lee believed in the power of wilderness experience in overcoming barriers and fostering personal success within our youth
- Provides a vast amount of cultural and scientific knowledge to the Ridley Research Library in Quetico’s Pavillion as well as helps support Quetico’s educational exhibitions
- Offers a newsletter with important outreach and news about Quetico Foundation’s research and programs, as well as offering our updates through our website, Facebook and Instagram
- Engages in advocacy to help protect wilderness via letter-writing campaigns and endorsements, sometimes endorsing wilderness and conservation-focused petitions,
- Meets with local representatives and working on councils to develop aquatic ecosystem monitoring and fire management plans for Quetico Provincial Park