Update! June 14 2017 – We’ve reached $30,700!
WE DID IT! YOU PROVIDED GENUINELY SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT AND CLOSED THE GAP BEFORE JUNE 30 2017! Thank you to all those wilderness enthusiasts and paddlers who have helped us achieve our goal!!
The fundraising deadline by the end of June is coming soon, and we have impressively reached beyond this matching target.
The impact of your support will be doubled towards the preservation of Quetico Park and the important youth focused education and research programs that the Foundation supports.
Donate to the Quetico Foundation and help keep our canoe on course – in ensuring the preservation of our 150 year old Canadian wilderness! Before you throw your canoe on the car and escape into the backcountry for the summer, dig deep and paddle us to our $25,000 destination! Join our race! Every stroke you take will be matched dollar for dollar by a most generous family Foundation.
It’s not too late you can still make a donation to help the Quetico Foundation further address our goals.
Click here to go to the Quetico Foundation on Canada Helps to make your gift today!
Thank you for your support.