Feature: Student Trail Ambassador summer positions with Path of the Paddle

Path of the Paddle Association is looking for Student Trail Ambassadors

Organization Mission: Path of the Paddle Association (POPA) exists to support the development, stewardship and sustainability of the Path of the Paddle water trail network in Northwestern Ontario in partnership with regional stakeholders.

Position Opening: POPA seeks two dynamic, extroverted, experienced paddlers to work as student trail ambassadors (we will accept applications from teams of two and from individuals) this coming summer. As trail ambassadors, you will live on the trail for 10 weeks, paddling the 1265km trail from Manitoba to Lake Superior, camping and meeting those travelling the trail and sharing with them about Path of the Paddle and the Trans Canada Trail. You will be living outside and travelling by canoe for the entire time.

By |February 15th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Feature: Student Trail Ambassador summer positions with Path of the Paddle

Opening Day…

of the Giving  Season is December 1stGiving Tuesday is a day when charities, corporations and individuals join together to share commitment, celebrate activities that support charities and non profit organizations, rally for their favourite causes, and give something back.

What a great opportunity for us to ‘give back’ to our supporters – that’s you!

First, we want to give a huge THANK YOU for enabling us to deliver the research and education programs in Quetico Park that we do – helping us to add value to wilderness protection in Ontario!

Second, we want to give you a view into the impact that your dollars have in Quetico Park and protection of its wilderness:

The Quetico Foundation is a strong voice for Quetico, Ontario’s oldest Wilderness Park. And the Foundation goes beyond being a voice and supports Quetico on the ground through its important science and education based programs such as the John B. Ridley Research Library, the Artist in Residence Program, the Ridley Wilderness Youth Program, and the Summer Student Research Program. The Foundation’s ongoing support for research and monitoring contributes greatly towards our capacity to monitor and maintain the Ecological Integrity of Quetico Provincial Park.”    

Trevor Gibb, Superintendent, Quetico Park

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By |December 1st, 2015|Foundation News, Fundraising|Comments Off on Opening Day…

Places & Spaces Art Show Recap & Thank You!!!!!!!

We had an exceptional evening at the annual Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund art show. Many many thanks to the Artists in Residence who donated their pieces, to the great people behind the TSCBF, to the Storys Building, to our Quetico Foundation supporters and to everyone who came out. We really appreciate your support! It was great to help provide further support to the Quetico Foundation’s programs, help send interested young people to camp, wonderful to have great conversations, meet some new faces, make new associates and see old friends. We can’t thank you enough for helping to protect the legacy of our wilderness and natural areas.


Supporters in the crowd appreciating the art at the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, Places and Spaces, annual art show Photo by Noah Cole

Supporters in the crowd appreciating the art at the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, Places and Spaces, annual art show Photo by Noah Cole

Marjorie Rogers, familiarizing people with Quetico Foundation's work, announcing a donation to the TSCBF from the Quetico Foundation and encouraging people to help connect others with wilderness and to help support the Quetico Foundation at the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, Places and Spaces, annual art show. Marjorie is a trustee and the Chairperson of the Quetico Foundation. Photo by Noah Cole

Marjorie Rogers, familiarizing people with Quetico Foundation’s work, announcing a donation to the TSCBF from the Quetico Foundation and encouraging people to help connect others with wilderness and to help support the Quetico Foundation at the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, Places and Spaces, annual art show. Marjorie is a trustee and the Chairperson of the Quetico Foundation. Photo by Noah Cole













Noah Cole with June Hills "Pickerel Pines" at the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, Places and Spaces, annual art show. June Hills was the Quetico Foundation's 2009 Artist in Residence and painted this scene at Pickerel Lake in Quetico. Noah Cole is a Quetico Foundation trustee and a donating artist. Photo by Brittany Manley

Noah Cole with June Hills “Pickerel Pines” at the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, Places and Spaces, annual art show. June Hills was the Quetico Foundation’s 2009 Artist in Residence and painted this scene at Pickerel Lake in Quetico. Noah Cole is a Quetico Foundation trustee and a donating artist. Photo by Brittany Manley














Learn more about the Quetico Foundation-Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund Places and Spaces 2015 Art Show: Click here

Learn more about the Quetico Foundation’s Artist in Residence program: Click here

Donate to help support our Quetico Foundation programs: Click here



By |November 20th, 2015|Events, Foundation News, Fundraising|Comments Off on Places & Spaces Art Show Recap & Thank You!!!!!!!

QF Participating Artists – Places and Spaces – Taylor Statten Bursary Fund-Quetico Foundation Art Show, Nov 5, 2015 + 2014 catalogue

The Quetico Foundation is glad to reveal the participating artists that are promoting their work at the upcoming Places and Spaces art show, most closely related to Quetico:


Kathleen Baleja, Thunder Bay, On www.kathleenbaleja.com

     ‘Grey Swans’ wasp paper sculpture 10x10in Kathleen Baleja, Thunder Bay, On. 2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

     ‘Woman Friend Papier mâché & wasp nest paper 146x53x15cm Kathleen Baleja, Thunder Bay  2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Jillian Claeys, Toronto, On  www.twistgallery.ca/jillian-claeys-gallery

‘Quetico Park unnamed pencil drawing 13×15.5  Jillian Claeys, Toronto, On   2012 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Noah Cole, Toronto, On  www.greenravenphotography.com

Brent Lake Campsite’, Photographic Print 18x24in framed Noah Cole, Toronto, On

Bald Eagles Perched on a Snag at Brent Lake in Quetico’, Photographic Print 11×14 Noah Cole, Toronto

Brian Holden, Thunder Bay , On http://brianholden.netfirms.com

‘Loons Quetico’ photo-etch & hand colouring -open varied edition 20x25cm framed Brian Holden, Thunder Bay  2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

 ‘Pukaskwa etching with watercolour-open varied edition 20x25cm framed Brian Holden, Thunder Bay 2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Campsite’ plate etching with hand colouring open varied edition 20 x 25cm framed Brian Holden, Thunder Bay. 2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Jean Judd Cushing, Wisconsin www.jeanjudd.com

‘Autumn Charm Revisited’ fabric 24x16in, Jean Judd, Cushing, Wisconsin, . 2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Suzy Knox, Kamploops, BC http://kamloopscourthousegallery.ca/artists-work/suzy-knox

‘French Falls ‘ acrylic 12x24in Suzy Knox, Kamploops, BC. 2013 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Spencer Meany, Atikokan, On www.xycompany.ca

‘The Charlotte’ hand crafted paddle Spencer Meany, XY Paddle Co. Atikokan, On .

Riaz Mehmood www.riazmehmood.com

 ‘Urban Mountain II’ photographic print 2 of 15 16.5×20.5in framed, Riaz Mehmood. 2014 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Reece Steinberg, PEI

Pine Needles, Pickerel River Rapids, Quetico Park’ Print 7.5x10in 1of 5 Reece Steinberg, PEI . 2014 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

‘Lichen & Pine on Emerald Island, Quetico Park’ Print 7.5x150in1of 5 Reece Steinberg, PEI. 2014 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Jane Selbie, Haliburton, On www.jselbie.com

Sundown View’ fabric layering 18.25×16.25in framed Jane Selbie, Haliburton, On  2009 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Resting fabric layering 16.5×18.5in framed Jane Selbie, Haliburton, On  2009 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Time to Reflect’ fabric layering 24x36in framed Jane Selbie, Haliburton, On  2009 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Anna Whitmore, Jackson’s Point, On www.annawhitmore.ca

 ‘As It Used to Be Long Ago’ 20x36in acrylic Anna Whitmore, Jackson’s Point, On  2014 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Val Fraser, Atikokan, On

Pine Needle Basket, Val Fraser, Atikokan, On 2015 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Peter Mills, Huntsville, On

Autumn Trees’ acrylic 8×10 unframed , Peter Mills, Barrie, Ontario.  2015 Quetico Park Artists in Residence2015 Quetico Park Artists in Residence

Judith Doyle, Toronto, On, www.readingpictures.com

2015 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

June Hills, Alberta, www.junehills.com

Pickerel Pines’ pen and watercolour on paper, painted with the water of Quetico 10” x 10”, and ‘Quetico Sketchbook’, 2009 Quetico Park Artist in Residence

Greg Maude, Brighton, On www.facebook.com/GregoryMaudeFineArt

‘Nature’s Tapestry’ Watercolour 16x20in

Brittany Manley, Toronto, On – Mixed Media 24x36in

‘Sunrise’ multimedia, 34×34 in

Cactus Tree’ multimedia, 14×24 in

Becky Mason, Chelsea, PQ

‘Energy Ride”12×12 in framed, watercolour on Japanese Paper

Get your tickets here today!: http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/taylor-statten-camping-bursary-fund-art-show-places-spaces-tickets-18612295878?aff=efbevent


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The 2014 Ontario Discovered Artist Catalogue


For a second year in a row, on our 61st anniversary year, The Quetico Foundation is partnering with the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund in Places & Spaces, an Art Show featuring artists from the Quetico Artists in Residence Program alongside many fine Canadian artists, inspired by Ontario’s beautiful natural legacy, including Quetico Provincial Park, as well as other natural and cultural themes.

Join us on November 5th, 2015 in support of The Quetico Foundation and the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, for an outstanding, memorable, creative, inspiring and significant evening.

We appreciate the considerate and kind sponsors who help to support the Quetico Foundation’s programs and protecting our wilderness areas in Quetico, as well as helping to give kids and young folk the opportunities to go to camp. If interested in helping to provide sponsorship, please contact The Quetico Foundation at 416-941-9388 or office@queticofoundation.org or contact the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund www.taylorstattencamps.com/tsc-bursary-fund-tscbf or www.tscbf.com/get-in-touch.html.

By |October 14th, 2015|Events, Foundation News, Fundraising, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Quetico Foundation sponsored Community BBQ at Dawson Trail Campground in Quetico Provincial Park

The Quetico Foundation sponsored a Community BBQ on Monday in Quetico Park at the Dawson Trail Campground on French Lake. Community leaders, trustees, our Executive Director, Biology Intern and Ridley Wilderness Youth Program participants were there – joining leaders, campers and neighbours in celebrating 60 years of wilderness preservation.

Check out these photos and enjoy the experience.


By |September 4th, 2015|Events, Foundation News, Park News|0 Comments

Toronto High School Students get a Taste of Atikokan and Quetico Park

Atikokan Progress,

Monday August 31 2015,

Jessica Smith

Six Toronto high school students toured Atikokan and met with members of Town Council before heading into Quetico Park, Wednesday.

The canoe trip, which ends today with their arrival at French Lake, is part of a leadership development course specializing in wilderness stewardship and urban citizenship. The Quetico Foundation, as a partner, provides the ecological research component.

The route took the students and trip leaders, Torie Gervais and Shayne Gordon from Stanton Bay through Oliphant, Sturgeon, and Russell Lakes, accompanied by Quetico Park biologist Brian Jackson and the Foundation’s summer intern Kiara Gannon.

Jackson and Gannon were assisting students with in-field research of the park’s ecology and heritage sites, including study of a wetland site at the mouth of the Pickerel River.

The Quetico Foundation’s Ridley Wilderness Youth Program has seen secondary students from southern Ontario trip in the park each summer for many years now, but the structure changed somewhat last year. QF now provides a portion of the wilderness/environmental component to a six-week intensive summer program run by Toronto’s arts and culture organization Trinity Theater Program (TTP).

By |September 4th, 2015|Foundation News|0 Comments

Biology Internship Program reported in Atikokan Progress

Atikokan Progress,

Monday August 31 2015,


In addition to the Ridley Wilderness Youth Program, the Quetico Foundation sponsored a biology intern this summer to work with Park biologist Brian Jackson (he moved over from his position as area biologist earlier this year).

Kiara Gannon, who will enter her second year of biology studies at the University of Victoria shortly, worked 16 weeks this summer, mostly in the Park.

While Gannon was based at the area office in town, most of her summer was spent doing field work in the Park – hands-on, front-line biology – usually gathering data for several long-term monitoring projects. The involved several different extended trips into the Park.

To monitor songbirds, the biologists would set up recording devicesl the tapes go to bird song experts, who can identify species based on the call. The listened for ruffed grouse drumming. They searched for snowshoe hare scat (not too successfully); the animals are quite common at French Lake, however).

By |September 4th, 2015|Foundation News|0 Comments

International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board Public Meetings, Aug. 10-12, 2015

Dear Trustees and Trustees Emeritus,

I hope that you are all having a good summer and managing to dip your paddles into some refreshing Ontario lakes and rivers!

Speaking of water and watersheds, I wanted to pass along this notice of public meetings in regard to the work of the International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board.  This is a matter of interest to the Foundation.  If you have the opportunity to attend, please do so and let us know your thoughts!

Happy summer…happy paddling….

International Rainy Lakes Watershed Board Public Meetings- August 2015

By |July 18th, 2015|Public Meetings|0 Comments

Our junior biology intern and friends at Quetico Provincial Park love our commemorative Quetico Foundation water bottle


Who and where is that with the great water bottle?

Kiara is Quetico Foundation‘s junior biology intern, with a very nice 60th Anniversary comemorative Quetico Foundation waterbottle on the shores of Beaverhouse Lake in Quetico Provincial Park.



Photo credit: Courtesy of Brian Jackson and thanks to Kiara!

By |July 18th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Save the Date! Art Show – Places & Spaces at The Storys Building, November 5th, 2015

For a second year in a row, on our 61st anniversary year, The Quetico Foundation is partnering with the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund in Places & Spaces, an Art Show featuring artists from the Quetico Artists in Residence Program alongside many fine Canadian artists, inspired by Ontario’s beautiful natural legacy, including Quetico Provincial Park, as well as other natural and cultural themes.

Join us on November 5th, 2015  in support of The Quetico Foundation and the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund, for an outstanding, memorable, creative, inspiring and significant evening.

We appreciate the considerate and kind sponsors who help to support the Quetico Foundation’s programs and protecting our wilderness areas in Quetico, as well as helping to give kids and young folk the opportunities to go to camp. If interested in helping to provide sponsorship, please contact The Quetico Foundation at 416-941-9388 or office@queticofoundation.org or contact the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund www.taylorstattencamps.com/tsc-bursary-fund-tscbf or www.tscbf.com/get-in-touch.html.

By |June 26th, 2015|Events, Foundation News, Fundraising|Comments Off on Save the Date! Art Show – Places & Spaces at The Storys Building, November 5th, 2015