This summer, throughout May, June, July and August, Quetico Foundation’s Student Summer Research Program team and our biology intern team studied invasive species, monitored songbirds, studied blister-resistant white pines, as well as ecosystem and aquatic ecology monitoring! This year marks the 20th anniversary of our Student Summer Research Program and the 10th anniversary of the Biology Intern program!
The students had a great time, discovered and studied quite a few species and had the chance to study and explore a diversity of habitats in Quetico’s wilderness.
Check out this photo blog:
- Group photo! Summer Student Research Group and Biology Interns, Credit: Hannah Koslowsky
- Kiara paddling Sturgeon Lake. Credit: Hannah Koslowsky
- Loons in the rain on Fern Lake.
- Western painted turtles in Stanton Bay.
- Dragonflies emerging.
- Catching frogs to swab for disease
- Found a central newt to swab
- Ty found a baby snapping turtle on Basswood Lake
- Great snapping turtle close up. Snapping turtle populations are declining in Ontario. Snapping turtles are a species at risk.
- Ty and western painted turtle or “Hey, photograph me with this great student from the Student Summer Research Program team”
- Start of Trip 3 to collect songbird meters
- Hannah organizing the traps for the next lake
- Brigitte with the first rusty crayfish
- Storm blowing in with rainbow, Pickerel Narrows
- River otter in creek off Fern Lake
- Group shot at our first campsite on Basswood
- Juvenile Bald Eagle in Stanton Bay
- Bald eagle hanging out. Bald eagle populations are recovering from being decimated and nearly wiped-out in the 1960’s and 1970’s but remain listed as a species at risk in Ontario.
- Brigitte checking out the beautiful wilderness at Pickerel Lake
- a white admiral butterfly visits the canoeists
- great blue heron
- enjoying a Quetico sunset
- A fantastic group photo, Summer Student Research Group and Biology Interns, Credit: Hannah Koslowsky
Learn more about Quetico Foundation’s awesome, insightful and well-acclaimed programs here: and
All photos provided by Hannah Koslowsky on behalf of Quetico Foundation’s Student Summer Research Team and Biology Interns